Friday, October 23, 2009



At last i've created my own blog today.Promised lily to do it after the exams but just cant wait.hehe.For the past few days..i've been through sleepless nights and unbeareable days.I dont' know why. Been feeling restless..Empty..Feel like crying but i'm not even sure what the reason is for.Help me? friends..miss you guys.Probably i'm missing home terribly at this point. Exams are just around the corner..not will be just inside your cupboard.hehe.what merepeks?haha.hurm...i'm hungry,,,havent eaten yet today. I'm posting this in computer lab 4 at Ilqam.Both cc's are down with internet service.dunno why.Wish all d best in exams for lily..nurul..fyza..ayu..nadia..nana..Doakanlah kejayaan bersama..^_^


  1. wslm anee... hehehhee.. tahniah da ade blog! nnt papehal do keep in touch ok? kat cni pon ok jer, ayu pon kurang2 pon 1 mggu 1x akan bukak blog nie kalo xde aral melintang... hehheheee...

    i missed u to0 anee...!

    nrul ckp aritu ujg thn ni u nk dtg shah alam, nak kj part time kt cni, btol ker?

  2. anee...
    i luv u...
    i mish u...
    wanna kis n hug u...

  3. betoi ka anee nk dtg...?
    if betui rojer2 na...
    kim salam kat liya...
    insyaallah de rezaki lily dtg k...
    keep in touch k!

  4. aneeeeeeeeee...jumpe kamu di sini...ingt sape td....
